After 30 minutes of usage, the iPad screen gets all smudgy with finger prints. How can I best and safely clean the touchscreen?
Cleaning iPad touchscreen is very simple. First don't use any liquid cleaners as it can damage the oleophobic coating which makes it easy to remove finger prints from the device.
The iPad doesn't come with a cleaning cloth but all the Macbooks and Macbook Pro's do and it works great.
Just wipe down the screen of your iPad with a Microfiber cloth or really any soft cloth. Bathrobes work great, cotton towels, t-shirts, even an old clean sock can do the trick.
The prints just wipe right off no water or liquid chemicals of any kind required. In fact I would highly recommend against chemicals on it of any kind.
If it does happen to get wet. My English Mastiff came in this morning and laid her head right on my iPad while I was typing. Just take a dry cloth and wipe it off. If something sticky gets on it put a little bit of plain water on a soft cloth and wipe it clean then use a dry one to dry it off.
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