Saturday, October 23, 2010
Which Is Better, HTC EVo 4G Or Apple IPHone 4?
To begin with, Evo 4G has a screen size that is unrivaled among smartphones. I am talking about a 4.3 inch large screen that provides substantial room to perform every function possible on a smartphone. You won’t be suffering with cluttered tweets, shrunken websites, or looking at and tapping on icons bundled close together resulting in more than one being tapped on the swame tap. The iPhone 4 on the other hand has a much smaller screen than the Evo, but to its credit, does produce a better resolution of 960 x 640 pixels compared to Evo’s 800 x 480 resolution. Therefore, the Apple iPhone will produce a slightly superior image quality than the EVo. Which one do you prefer?
Evo 4G operates on the Android 2.1 OS platform which has been specially adapted to accomodate the Evo’s theme. As for the iPhone 4, it runs on the iOS 4. It is entirely possible if you are a fan of Mac computers, that you would prefer the iPhone. However, because both of these quality phones cost about the same, it may be a good idea to closely examine the options of both phones making making a decision.
Windows phone 7 theme
You guys have to check this out its awesome IMHO but some people have tested on their DX and it doesn't line up so I was gonna see if someone could maybe port it over to the DX if someones interested. I would but I have no idea how to. Let me know what your opinion is on the theme. The guy who made it did a great job, I think it was originally posted over on XDA. Check it out and let me know what you all think
Thursday, October 21, 2010
30 Themes, Apps and Wallpaper for Android Phone
Techie Buzz: Provides safe and simple steps to install themes on your Android phone.
Android Phone Apps & Games
Android TweetDeck: for those on the go who want to stay in touch with Twitter feeds.
3DCouche: Never lose your car again. This app helps you find your car at the airport, at the mall or outside the football stadium.
Pandora Free Radio: is now available to stream music on your Android phone.
Foursquare: it is a friend-finder, a social city guide and a game that challenges users to experience new things, and rewards them for doing so.
Zedge: allows you to browse 300.000+ ringtones and wallpapers with ease.
Google Sky Map: allows you can discover and browse the night sky just by pointing your phone to space.
aCar: is an application that effectively tracks the fuel mileage, costs and maintenance for your car.
Amazon App: an easy way to buy products from Amazon direct from your phone with this Android App
WordPress for Android: empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications.
ApCat: helps categorizing applications in Android, providing the ability to assign each application into custom categories.
Call of Duty: for Android and Symbian from GetJar for free.
Puzzle Blox: is a challenging and fun casual game. Clear the levels just by tapping, twisting and tilting your phone.
Android Phone Themes
xTheme: Android Phone Theme is a futuristic theme with a moon in the background. This theme works with Hero, G2 Touch.
Prodigal Sun: Android Phone Theme is a magical theme that comes in different colors. This theme works with Hero, G2 Touch.
Smokin Green: Android Phone Theme is a cool and abstract theme. This theme works with Hero, G2 Touch.
Animated Car: Android Phone Theme is great theme for car enthusiasts.
Spiderman 4: Android Theme for fans of the man who can spin a web anytime.
John Cena: Android Theme for fans of the champ.
Hummer H2: Android theme for those who love the H2.
DroidSans Virtual Keyboard: is utility that allow you to type text with well designed auto rotate onscreen keyboard.
Android Deluxe Moon: enjoy moon phases widget and beautifully animated zodiac circles. You can touch-n-turn the moon to change the date.
Android Phone Wallpaper
Galactic Core Donation: is stunning live wallpaper featuring a spinning spiral galaxy for Android Smartphone’s.
Original Flurry Live Wallpaper: for Android is gorgeous Mac OSX style wallpaper naively rendered on your phone.
City at Night Live Wallpaper: is a beautiful Live Wallpaper for Android Mobile Phones.
Night Beach Android Live Wallpaper: will give you the feeling of being on a beach.
River: is a beautiful photo of a waterfall rendered in 3D.
By the Beach Android Wallpaper: is a beautiful photo of blue water and sand. It’s soothing to look at.
Android Wallpaper for (HTC Hero, G1, Aria, Legend, G2 Magic, Aria, Droid Eris, Samsung Galaxy Spica etc).
Android Wood: is a cool charcoal color wallpaper of the Android logo.
Tree planet silhouette: is futuristic that looks so real and inviting.
Note: Please check that the apps and themes above are compatible with your Android phone.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How To Protect Your iPad Or iPhone?
Anyone purchasing an iPhone or iPad will learn quickly that the big open screens, and even the back and sides, are prone to “injury”. So protection is key. And there really is a huge variety of options when it comes to protecting these little guys. Especially for the iPad.
The first and most important layer of protection, according to most, are the clear film “protective skins” that go directly on the surface of the devices. These skins protect your iPhones and iPads from most potential damages and can really take a beating. Most companies pricing is fairly inexpensive for these protective skins, which makes it a no brainer for most.
A good idea as well is a hard cover case for storage and usability. There are a lot of materials made to encase your device, but something somewhat strong and portable is usually the best idea. A lot of these cases you can even fold and shape to angle your iPad or iPhone on it’s end like a television.
After you’ve chosen and applied your layers of protection, it’s important to keep your iPad or iPhone clean. Even though you should have some form of scratch protection and a hard case of some kind, small particles like dirt and dust can easily cause problems. When cleaning your device, be sure to:
* Clean with a soft and slightly damp, lint free cloth.
* Rub the open faces gently and be very careful when cleaning along the edges and near the buttons.
* It is very important to never use any cleaners or solvents as these can cause potential damages. Only use water to lightly dampen your cloth.
For the actual content protection of your device there has been a few major problems involving hackers accessing information, particularly on the iPad. Because of these problems, iPad can be secured further. It does provide strong data transmission and data storage encryption. Even still, it’s pertinent to use pass code protection as a first line of defense. If security is needed on a corporate level, iPad does provide secure methods for configuration with specific settings, policies, and restrictions.
Micromax launches world's lightest touch phone
The 3.5G modu T was awarded the Guinness World Record for being the lightest touch phone in the world.
Priced at Rs.12,000, the 2.2-inch touch screen phone will be available in the market with pre-bundled 2GB memory card from Oct 22.
The phone comes with two "fy" devices, jackets, which when connected, add new features to the phone. The "camerafy" jacket converts the phone into a camera with a 5 megapixel resolution and LED flash. Alternatively, you can also "sportfy" your modu T phone and turn it into your exercise companion.
modu is a modular phone, which operates on Qualcomm's Brew operating system, offers a variety of applications such as YouTube, Google Search, Twitter, Facebook Flickr, TuneWiki, eBuddy and Snaptu.
"Innovation has been a driver for Micromax success in India and we believe that by bringing the modu T phone to India, we are targeting the 'aspirational' segment of Indian consumers, who are the early adopters of technology and passionate about electronic gadgets," said Vikas Jain, business director, Micromax.
The company also said it will launch five models in the Brazilian market and is waiting for the approval from Anatel, the telecom regulator of Brazil.
Jain said the company is also looking forward to launch tablets in the market.
"We are exploring the option of bringing tablets... however it depends on the consumer response once the third generation services are available in the market."
The company has also filed a draft red herring prospectus (DRHP) with securities and exchange board of India for an initial public offering (IPO).
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Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Sebuah keinginan mendasar kita selaku manusia untuk memperoleh sebuah sarana transportasi yang aman, memuaskan dan bisa diandalkan, terlebih di era yang serba maju ini, kita dituntut untuk memakai sebuah sarana transportasi yang telah tersedia, akan tetapi untuk sebagian orang mereka memiliki pandangan lain, yaitu dengan menentukan sendiri Mobil Keluarga Ideal dan pastinya Terbaik di indonesia.
Mobil Keluarga Ideal
Salah satunya adalah Toyota, sobat pasti tahu dong dengan perusahaan besar pembuat mobil dijepang ini. oiya toyota juga merupakan produsen pembuat mobil terbesar ketiga didunia. nah sudah barang tentu Mobil Keluarga Ideal asal jepang ini menjadi salah satu mobil terfavorit dan terbaik di Indonesia. sebut saja pada ajang IIMS 2010,Toyota Astra Motor mendapat pesanan/penjualan hingga 4.126 unit sekaligus menorehkan penjualan terbanyak.dan Tak kurang 8 penghargaan kategori mobil disabet Toyota dalam gelaran Otomotif Award tahun 2010.Terbaik Indonesia
Nah untuk sobat yang mengidam-idamkan sebuah Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia, tidak ada salahnya untuk menggunakan Brand yang satu ini. selain sebagai sarana transportasi yang aman, memuaskan dan bisa diandalkan Toyota juga terkenal irit bahan bakar. nah untuk sobat yang ingin memperoleh informasi yang lebih jauh bisa klik di Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Sekedar berbagi pengalaman keluarga kami tentang ketangguhan Produk Toyota, pada mudik lebaran 2008 yang lalu. mobil yang kami pakai menempuh rute Bandar lampung - Padang selama lebih dari 30 jam tanpa henti (kecuali makan dan isi bensin). mobil ini tetap stabil melaju meski Trek yang kami lalui bisa dibilang jelek. alhamdulillah mobil ini bisa mengantarkan kami sekeluarga dengan selamat untuk merayakan Hari Idul Fitri dikampung halaman.Nah Bagi anda yang mendambakan sebuah Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia, Toyota Jawabannya.
Pasang Iklan Gratis Sebagai Awal Mulai Bisnis Online
Pasang Iklan Gratis
Hal pertama kesuksesan dari sebuah web/blog bisa kita lihat dari banyaknya pengunjung, google pagerank yang besar, dan juga alexa yang semakin mengecil. namun semua itu bukanlah sebuah perkara yang mudah, diperlukan kesabaran dan kerja keras (jangan dibalik ya sob, keras dulu baru kerja) hehehe....adminnya ngawur nic. sebenarnya ada banyak cara yang bisa kita tempuh, salah satunya dengan mempromosikan web/ blog kita ataupun produk yang akan dijual. semua itu tidak lepas dengan yang namanya sebuah iklan? nah...tentunya untuk mempromosikan atau menjual sebuah produk seorang pebisnis online pasti memerlukan sebuah media, salah satu cara paling mudah, cepat dan tanpa mengeluarkan biaya adalah dengan Pasang Iklan Gratis. klo ada yang gratis ngapain harus bayar, iya ga sob....?Awal Mulai Bisnis Online
Hal kedua dalam berbisnis online adalah bagaimana cara kita Memulai Bisnis Online tersebut. bisa dengan berpromosi menggunakan media Situs Iklan baris dofollow, sobat blogger pasti paham dong arti doffolow? sebut saja Media Iklan jawabannya, sebuah situs yang bertemakan "Pasang Iklan Baris Gratis Tanpa Daftar" dan yang pastinya sobat tidak perlu ragu lagi untuk memasang iklan gratis di situs ini. dengan hanya sekali submit iklan kita akan tersebar ke ratusan Situs Iklan Gratis dofollow. hebat bukan....?Pasang Iklan Gratis Sebagai Awal Mulai Bisnis Online
Hal ketiga dalam memulai bisnis online adalah bagaimana cara kita selaku penjual produk bisa mengembangkan strategi pemasaran dan target market konsumen kita. Cara Sederhana Memulai bisnis online adalah dengan mengembangkan jaringan, point pertama dan kedua diatas adalah bagian utama sebagai Awal Mulai Bisnis Online. perlu di ingat bahwa dengan cara Pasang Iklan Gratis Sebagai Awal Mulai Bisnis Online adalah faktor terpenting pendukung untuk terjun di dunia internet business.Segitu aja ya, semoga Artikel Pasang Iklan Gratis Sebagai Awal Mulai Bisnis Online ini bisa menjadi inspirasi dan motivasi bagi kita semua, khususnya buat admin
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Daftar Harga Blackberry Oktober 2010
Merk Dan Type | Harga Baru | Harga Second |
BlackBerry 7100 | - | 500.000 |
BlackBerry 8100 Pearl | - | 1.000.000 |
BlackBerry 8120 | - | 1.050.000 |
BlackBerry 8130 | - | 1.200.000 |
2.850.000 | 1.600.000 | |
3.200.000 | 1.600.000 | |
1.900.000 | 1.150.000 | |
1.900.000 | 1.200.000 | |
2.500.000 | 2.150.000 | |
BlackBerry 8703 | - | 550.000 |
- | 900.000 | |
- | 1.100.000 | |
- | 1.250.000 | |
3.100.000 | 2.500.000 | |
BlackBerry 9000 Bold | 3.700.000 | 3.000.000 |
3.200.000 | 2.200.000 | |
4.100.000 | 3.500.000 | |
3.950.000 | 2.650.000 | |
BlackBerry 9700 Bold | 4.300.000 | 3.550.000 |
Blackberry 9650 Bold | 4.300.000 | - |
Daftar Harga Blackberry Oktober 2010 sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah, Perbedaan Harga Blackberry Baru dan Harga Blackberry Second bisa saja terjadi Di tiap-tiap daerah.
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Daftar Harga Handphone Nokia Oktober 2010
Tipe Handphone Nokia | Harga Baru | Harga Second |
Nokia 1112 | Rp. 150.000 | |
Nokia 1202 | Rp. 260.000 | Rp. 150.000 |
Nokia 1209 | Rp. 295.000 | Rp. 150.000 |
Nokia 1280 | Rp. 260.000 | |
Nokia 1203 | Rp. 150.000 | |
Nokia 1208 | Rp. 150.000 | |
Nokia 1508 | Rp. 515.000 | |
Nokia 1616 | Rp. 350.000 | |
Nokia 1680 Classic | Rp. 400.000 | Rp. 300.000 |
Nokia 1800 | Rp. 350.000 | |
Nokia 1661 | Rp. 300.000 | Rp. 225.000 |
Nokia 2220 Slide | Rp. 550.000 | Rp. 400.000 |
Nokia 2600c | Rp. 400.000 | |
Nokia 2608 | ||
Nokia 2323 Classic | Rp. 275.000 | |
Nokia 2330 Classic | Rp. 500.000 | Rp. 400.000 |
Nokia 2505 | ||
Nokia 2630 | Rp. 400.000 | |
Nokia 2680 Slide | Rp. 400.000 | |
Nokia 2690 | Rp. 720.000 | |
Nokia 2700 Classic | Rp. 835.000 | Rp. 625.000 |
Nokia 2730 | Rp. 925.000 | Rp. 700.000 |
Nokia 2710 Navigation | Rp. 1.325.000 | |
Nokia 3230 | Rp. 450.000 | |
Nokia 3250 | Rp. 700.000 | |
Nokia 3500 Classic | Rp. 650.000 | |
Rp. 550.000 | ||
Nokia 3120c | Rp. 775.000 | |
Nokia 3600 Slide | Rp. 1.000.000 | |
Nokia 3720 | Rp. 1.340.000 | Rp. 1.000.000 |
Nokia 5000 | Rp. 400.000 | |
Nokia 5030 Xpress Radio | Rp. 390.000 | Rp. 250.000 |
Nokia 5130 | ||
Nokia 5233 | Rp. 1.425.000 | |
Nokia 5310 | Rp. 950.000 | |
Nokia 5530 Xpress Music | Rp. 2.300.000 | Rp. 1.650.000 |
Nokia 5630 Xpress Music | Rp. 1.500.000 | |
Nokia 5730 Xpress Music | Rp. 1.750.000 | |
Nokia 5800 Xpress Music | Rp. 2.950.000 | Rp. 2.000.000 |
Nokia 5320 Xpress Music | Rp. 1.100.000 | |
Nokia 5610 | Rp. 1.100.000 | |
Nokia 5700 | Rp. 800.000 | |
Nokia 5200 | Rp. 400.000 | |
Nokia 5300 | Rp. 500.000 | |
Nokia 5220 Xpress Music | Rp. 700.000 | |
Nokia 5230 | Rp. 1.900.000 | Rp. 1.500.000 |
Nokia 6120 classic | Rp. 900.000 | |
Nokia 6210 Navigator | Rp. 1.400.000 | |
Nokia 6220 Classic | Rp. 1.350.000 | |
Nokia 6260 | ||
Nokia 6300 | Rp. 650.000 | |
Nokia 6303i Classic | Rp. 700.000 | |
Nokia 6600 fold | Rp. 1.920.000 | Rp. 1.200.000 |
Nokia 6600 Slide | Rp. 1.250.000 | |
Nokia 6600 | Rp. 400.000 | |
Nokia 6720 Classic | Rp. 1.600.000 | |
Nokia 6730 Classic | Rp. 1.950.000 | Rp. 1.500.000 |
Nokia 6760 Slide | Rp. 2.175.000 | Rp. 1.700.000 |
Nokia 6700 Classic | Rp. 1.000.000 | |
Nokia 6700 Slide | Rp. 2.200.000 | |
Nokia 6500 Slide | Rp. 1.150.000 | |
Nokia 6288 | Rp. 700.000 | |
Nokia 7610 | Rp. 450.000 | |
Nokia 7310 Supernova | Rp. 700.000 | |
Nokia 7210 Supernova | Rp. 650.000 | |
Nokia 7230 | Rp. 1.400.000 | Rp. 1.100.000 |
Nokia 7610 Supernova | Rp. 1.100.000 | |
Nokia 9300i | Rp. 1.200.000 | |
Nokia 9500 | Rp. 800.000 | |
Nokia E52 | Rp. 1.600.000 | |
Nokia E63 | Rp. 1.550.000 | Rp. 1.100.000 |
Nokia E66 | ||
Nokia E71 | Rp. 2.275.000 | Rp. 1.700.000 |
Nokia E72 | Rp. 3.575.000 | Rp. 2.750.000 |
Nokia E75 | Rp. 2.550.000 | Rp. 2.000.000 |
Nokia E90 | Rp. 2.900.000 | |
Nokia E61i | Rp. 1.050.000 | |
Nokia E51 | Rp. 1.150.000 | |
Nokia N70 | Rp. 700.000 | |
Nokia N70 Music Edition | Rp. 750.000 | |
Nokia N73 | Rp. 900.000 | |
Nokia N77 | Rp. 1.400.000 | |
Nokia N79 | Rp. 1.700.000 | |
Nokia N73 Music Edition | Rp. 1.050.000 | |
Nokia N78 | Rp. 1.400.000 | |
Nokia N80i | Rp. 1.050.000 | |
Nokia N81 | Rp. 1.100.000 | |
Nokia N81 8GB | Rp. 1.200.000 | |
Nokia N82 | Rp. 1.700.000 | |
Nokia N85 | Rp. 1.700.000 | |
Nokia N86 8MP | Rp. 3.475.000 | Rp. 2.700.000 |
Nokia N90 | Rp. 900.000 | |
Nokia N91 | Rp. 900.000 | |
Nokia N91 Music Editon | Rp. 1.200.000 | |
Nokia N92 | Rp. 1.300.000 | |
Nokia N93 | Rp. 1.100.000 | |
Nokia N93i | Rp. 1.400.000 | |
Nokia N95 | Rp. 1.400.000 | |
Nokia N95 8GB | Rp. 1.600.000 | |
Nokia N97 | Rp. 4.750.000 | Rp. 3.500.000 |
Nokia N97 Mini | Rp. 3.675.000 | Rp. 2.900.000 |
Nokia N900 | Rp. 5.275.000 | Rp. 4.000.000 |
Nokia C3 | Rp. 1.175.000 | |
Nokia C5 | Rp. 1.770.000 | |
Nokia X3 | Rp. 1.540.000 | Rp. 1.200.000 |
Nokia X6 | Rp. 3.675.000 | Rp. 3.000.000 |
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